Prayer mats rolled out, heads bowed down, hands up in the air and a prayer on the lips. Asking for mercy, asking for forgiveness, asking for cleansing from all past sins and asking for guidance. With empty stomachs and Iman in full throttle … its that magical time of the year again – it’s Ramadan. Here’s wishing all my fellow brothers and sisters the best Ramadan of your life. May the lord above accept all your Saum, your Fitoor, your Tilawah, your Salah, your Taraweeh, your Zakah and Sadaquaat. May he shower his blessings on you
and Fasting and the Joy of Feasting. Fast breaking time is most awaited, specially these days, with everything fasting for a crazy number of hours. What we eat at that time is really important, its had to be hydrating, nourishing, healthy, satisfying and above all delicious. Which is why I’m sure this Chocolate Banana smoothie is the perfect pick. Made with Almond milk, it is suitable for dairy intolerant diets and vegans alike. You can whizz this up just minutes before you want to serve it. I would recommend though, freezing the bananas overnight or couple of hours would give best results. Caramelising the bananas before hand is also a great option. This recipe yields 2 glasses
Put a small frying pan over medium heat. Sprinkle the jaggery sugar over evenly, and let it begin to caramelise. As it starts it turn brown, pour in the oil lightly stirring it, and add the slit bananas, face down. Fry for a couple of minutes on low heat, making sure the sugar is not burning. Spoon the caramel from the sides over the bananas and turn of heat and set the frying pan aside. Flip the bananas and let them rest in the pan till ready to use.
The smoothie is very easy. Simply add the 1st 5 ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Pour in glass and top with the cocoa nibs and chocolate chip. Garnish with the caramelised bananas and serve immediately